Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Question of the Week: Parent Engagement

What is your school doing to engage parents?

The Question of the Week is an opportunity for coordinators to share their insights, successes, and challenges.  Post a comment to share your ideas!  Have a question you want to ask others?  Submit it to dana_beck@ous.edu.


  1. Lori Henry - La PineJanuary 9, 2012 at 11:07 AM

    One of our most successful ways is involving them in events. In the fall with an open house, we have the cookies and coffee in our Gear Up room and then parents come in to enter for a drawing, this year we had two tail gate party baskets. There is a sign up sheet for parents wanting to become involved. We then call and use those parents through out the year - especially college field trips. We would like more but it is a start.

  2. Cat Wilson - RoseburgFebruary 29, 2012 at 10:32 AM

    One way that the Roseburg Cluster tries to involve parents is by getting their email addresses during student registration. These contacts are put into our SchoolMaster database and we are able to email groups of parents to notify them on upcoming events, local scholarships, etc. We have found that our attendance this year for College/Financial Aid Nights have far exceeded the years past.
