Monday, April 14, 2014

Tracker's Cost Share Tips: Individuals Who Are "Involved" v. "Served"

When entering an event, there are two sections to show how individuals participated, whether they were INVOLVED with the event, or SERVED by the event. Remember, cost share and service are different.
  • The “Cost Share Info” section is used to show individuals who facilitated or volunteered at an event, and how many hours they contributed toward cost share.
  • The “POST-EVENT REPORT: Numbers Served” section at the bottom of the event is used to show the number of individuals who were SERVED by the event. Being served means that they benefited from the event whether they were the primary audience or not.
  • Someone could be listed in both places if they volunteered during the event and also gained some knowledge about the topic being addressed, etc.

  • If a teacher supervises, chaperones, or teaches at an event, but is not served by the event, you would not enter the number of teachers at the bottom of the page, you would only enter their hours for cost share in the cost share info section, if their time counts as cost share.
  • If the teacher supervises the event, but is also learning something or receiving another benefit from the event, their time may be counted as both cost share and as receiving service at the bottom of the event page.

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