Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Introducing Tracker, the Cost Share Mascot

Tracker is our brand new mascot for all things related to the Events and Cost Share Tracking Database. He will show up in your weekly bulletins and on the website with helpful tips and tricks related to entering events, cost share/matching funds and other details.

To start us off, Tracker asks, "Did you know?":

If you are entering a GEAR UP class into the Events and Cost Share Tracker that meets weekly or daily, you can use the “Add reoccurring events” feature to create a separate event for each day the class is in session. Be sure to only include the students who were in class that day.

Note: Don’t create a single event for the entire class or entire term, because each student may have attended a different number of days, and thus received a different number of hours of service. We need to track the actual number of hours of service for each student.

For all of Tracker's tips just click here!

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