Monday, November 19, 2012

Involve + Engage = Sustain: Micro-Targeting

Involve + Engage = Sustain is a column dedicated to providing you with specific tools on community and parent engagement written by Becky Wilson, our Community Engagement Specialist.
This past election taught us an important lesson about strategy:  micro-targeting your message works.  I believe this strategy can help you both increase your effectiveness in building sustainability for your GEAR UP programs, but also make your task a little easier in the process!

Often times GEAR UP coordinators find that our staunchest supporters and partners are parents of younger students. I found their enthusiasm inspiring as they remained involved in GEAR UP (whether as a Success Team member or other volunteer) to be best informed to help their students.  Targeting parents of young students can help you by allow you to hone in your message directly to them, rather than use the very broad argument of “going to college is the best choice.” 

You possibly already have events directly focused on specific groups in your cohort: 8th grade transition, for example.  Consider it taking a step further by including parents as specifically invited participants, with activities and take-aways especially for them.  If your transition day(s) include short sessions, perhaps your principal could lead one of the parent sessions.

If you would like help planning a transition experience specifically for parents of middle schoolers, please let me know.  Invitations work.  You will find yourself with a better informed parent base, and perhaps a dedicated Success Team member!

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