Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Involve + Engage = Sustain: The Welcoming Atmosphere Toolkit

Involve + Engage = Sustain is a column dedicated to providing you with specific tools on community and parent engagement written by Becky Wilson, our Community Engagement Specialist.

“Hi! Come on in!”

“There is a great deal of research pointing to factors that improve student learning and one of those is parent involvement; but why do parents get involved? Three reasons: parents feel it is their role, they feel they can effect change and/or the school is an inviting place. Which one did parents rate as the most important? The number one reason people become involved in their schools is when they feel invited and welcomed to do so…  This statement (and supporting research) comes from “The Welcoming Atmosphere Tool Kit, which I found at www.education.ohio.gov.

I believe all of our GEAR UP sites strive to be warm and welcoming to each and every visitor that comes through the door.  Making this impression has little to do with fancy chairs or artwork, and is more about smiles, helpful directions, and evidence of student activity.The Welcoming Atmosphere Tool Kit” provides some useful ways you can take an objective and updated look at how your school welcomes visitors, taking safety and functionality into consideration.  I hope you find it interesting. 

Sometimes a simple change of language used can make a difference – for example, being considered a ‘guest’ vs. a ‘visitor’.  The first impression your school makes to parents and community members can make a difference!

Questions? Contact Becky!

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